Astronauts, who have the opportunity to view Earth from space, experience a cognitive shift called the overview effect.

Reflect on the fact that we are all part of an interconnected system. Your impact is real and tangible.

Let your innate desire to affect the world in a way that is forcefully good drive you.

Boryana and JB are inspired by the Overview Effect, a concept coined by Frank White to describe the perspective induced by viewing the Earth as a whole, which galvanized thinking about the planet as an interconnected system, and our intrinsic interest in a sustainable society.

In this formative stage, the Straubel Foundation wants to emphasize experimentation. It’s an open road, and we plan to enjoy the journey. Our guiding principles are:

  1. Small initiatives can have big impact.

  2. We are ready to support the technology of the future.

  3. Ideas matter. The leader driving them matters even more.

  4. Real and sustainable transformation means changing everyday behavior.

Straubel Foundation is currently applying these principles in the sustainability field, focused on: recognition of leadership, impact investments, and education.